Dr John Hollott

Specialist Anaesthetist

Dr John Hollott has been a Specialist Anaesthetist since 2005. His medical school attendance & specialty anaesthesia training occurred in Newcastle & the Hunter Region.

His special anaesthesia interests include general surgery, orthopaedics, urology, colorectal, oral & head & neck surgery, spine & neurosurgery, & sedation for endoscopy & other minor procedures. Regional anaesthesia, such as spinal blocks & nerve blocks with ultrasound, improves pain control after operations & can even remove the need for general anaesthesia.

As a Visiting Medical Officer at the John Hunter Hospital, he is regularly involved in the critical care of emergency surgery & trauma patients. He also works with the Hunter Retrieval Service, attending pre-hospital emergencies & accidents with the Westpac Rescue Helicopter, & stabilising & transferring critical patients from smaller hospitals to definitive intensive care.